Monday 22 October 2012

how pandas defend themselves

hello again , welcome back to my blog all about pandas, this week i will be talking about how pandas defend themselves Giant pandas show aggression by lowering their heads and staring at their opponents. The giant panda is a generally a passive animal and not initiate to attack man or other animals. Giant pandas, however can become violent when provoked or surprised. Generally when hearing abnormal sounds the giant panda will escape the area immediately or they will climb the nearest tree. Should they become trapped the giant panda will cover their face with their paws often hiding its eye-patches and curl up. This gesture states that they are scared or angry. At close range, aggression is signalled by a swipe with a paw, or by a low-pitched growl or bark that will generally send an opponent (another giant panda) scampering up the nearest tree.

Monday 15 October 2012

Pandas and their surroundings!

Hello again! this is my third post of my blog on pandas and today i am going to tell you all about their surroundings and how they adapt to their habitat
Pandas live mainly bamboo forests high in the mountains of western China. Most of the wild population being distributed between the Qinling and Minshan Mountains.
The giant panda was once widespread throughout southern and eastern China, as well as neighbouring Myanmar (Burma) and northern Vietnam. Due to expanding human populations and development, the species is now restricted to only 20 or so isolated patches of mountain forest in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Importance of baby pandas

The average life span of a panda in the wild is 20 years. Panda's are very endangered. They are shy animals, so when people in china moved away from the remote areas, where pandas are found, and into the cities, pandas found it harder to adapt and survive. Every baby panda that is born is so important to the survival of the animal. As pandas don't bore babies as regularly as other animals it is getting increasingly harder to stop them from becoming extinct.

here is a link to a story about a new baby giant panda that was born in San Diego zoo!

thanks for reading my very interesting blog xo Vanessa

Friday 5 October 2012


Hello my name is Vanessa, I am a transition year student in Wesley college. I have chosen to do my blog on pandas. i chose this topic because I have a great interest in them and I would like to share my knowledge on the subject.


A bit of background  info on pandas.....

Pandas are mammals which originate from central-western and south western china. they have large black patches over there eyes , over the eyes and around the back of its body. Their diet consists mainly of bamboo,  wild panda's will occasionally eat other types of grasses and the meat of some birds or rodents. there are 263 giant panda in the world today, the majority of these are living in china.

Map of where panda's are found